All of my video are captured by my digital camera (Ex-V7), it can record high quality of video, but last time I am quite stupid about using software to convert the video format from .mov to .avi, the software reduce the quality of the video after convert to avi format. So, my video becomes so blur. Sorry that all my video currently is low quality ya. Next time I won't be so stupid again, I will decode my video to raw avi format. My next video will using decoding method, so my next video will be more clear than what I have now.

My Indoor Activities:

My Outdoor Activities:

My Outing on Special Days:

My gaming zone:

Posted by Zac1987 on 12 August, 2009

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous Said,

    i like the silding cool la went u undo it

    Posted on 12:24 AM, November 30, 2009


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