PHP Tutorial
Friday, October 18, 2024
$price = isset($_POST['price']) ? $_POST['price'] : '';<br><br>
var reportContent = <?php echo isset($_SESSION['report_content']) ? json_encode($_SESSION['report_content']) : 'null'; ?>;
//get only 1 column record
$sql = "SELECT id FROM driver WHERE RIGHT(driver_phone, 7) = '$last7DriverDigits'";
Davici Furniture Theme Wordpress Customization
Sunday, May 26, 2024

Edit Footer :
Remove Social icon Twitter and Tiktok :
wpBingo > Theme Option > Social Link > Leave empty textbox for Twitter and Tiktok.
Edit Header :
First need to check what...
jquery click on each line of td to pop up window content
javascript jquery
Saturday, January 20, 2024
$('td').on('click', function(eventData) {
var full = $(this).text();
var pairSymbol = $(this).contents().eq(0).text();
var pairSymbolClearSpace = pairSymbol.split(" ").join("");
var lineHeight = $(this).css("line-height");
lineHeight = parseInt(lineHeight.substring(0, lineHeight.length - 2));
jquery select all same text on the whole page
javascript jquery
Saturday, January 20, 2024
<button type="button" onclick="mark('寅')">寅</button>
// Start Highlight text on whole page.
function mark(char) {
let contentElement = document.getElementById('sentences');
let textNodes = getTextNodes(contentElement);
// Clear previous highlights
jquery how to select character before '=' and add the character after '*' and before <br/ > : Add winCount and lossCount before <br/ >
javascript jquery
Saturday, January 20, 2024
<script src=""></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
//start adding winCount and lossCount to beside
var dbData = <?php echo json_encode($arrayDbData); ?>;
var myString = JSON.stringify(dbData); //convert...
Software Chinese Language on Windows 10
Monday, January 15, 2024
Windows search language setting > Region > Additional Date Time and Region Settings > Region : Change Date Time and Region Format >
1) Formats Tab > Format : English (United States)
2) Admistrative Tab > Language for non-Unicode programs (Change system locale...) > Chinese (Simplified,...
My first covid experience
Friday, November 03, 2023
2023 Oct 26 was my first infected covid.
I though it was just normal fever and sorethroat.
But many strange symptom :
1) My eyes very tired always want to close and sleep. I can sleep for 3 days without eat, without shower. Normally people sleep fully 8 hours already enough, but I sleep 60 hours still not...
Stop ajax from submitting form before validate form
Saturday, October 14, 2023
Just move html submit button to outside the form.
After validate form successfully then only trigger form submision...
PHP mailer cannot send email, gmail smtp error.
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
You need to go your google account to set 2nd Authentication scroll down Create App Password.
1. Go to your Google Account and choose Security on the left panel.
2. On the Signing in to Google tab, select App Passwords.
If you don’t see this option, it might mean that:
Two-step verification is not set up...
Sql and pdo give error when upgraded to mysql new version 8.0.34
Monday, August 28, 2023
When my shared hosting upgrade mysql version from 5 to 8, many of my php websites cannot be openned.
I checked php error log saw many syntax become error.
So here are the fixes of syntax :
Codeigniter : Library > common.php
Old variable
$where = "Where id=123"
need to modify it become :
$where = "id=123"
150% Profit EA
Sunday, June 04, 2023

150% Profit EA
Do you want to earn 10% to 40% profit monthly from this EA robot?
USD100 real money (USD10000 Cent account) to trade 1 pair : XAUUSD
15minutes TF.
Backtest EA on news filter.
Friday, January 21, 2022
Now you will need to download the news csv file from (max 3 months, then combine all).
After the newslist is downloaded, you will need to edit the...
Forex Support And Resistance EA for free download
Monday, November 15, 2021
Support And Resistance EA
You may use the Support and Resistance Indicator without EA to ease your trading.
Support Resistance has 4 types :
1) Weak.
2) untested.
3) Verified.
4) Proven.
This EA open trade at untested Support and Resistant.
this EA won't open trade on Weak, Verified, Proven SR.
You may ask...
mql4 tutorial
Thursday, October 21, 2021
Check active order previous buy entry price is far enough from current entry then only open a new buy order :
if((Close[1] > D45RecentBarHighest1 && Close[2] > D45RecentBarHighest2) || (Close[1] > D45RecentBarHighest1 && Close[3] > D45RecentBarHighest3))
if(Bars != ThisBarTrade)
Cannot connect Wifi / Wifi is disabled by windows mobility center
Thursday, October 14, 2021

There are 5 solutions :
1) Go to Network & Internet Setting > Airplane Mode > Slide on the "WI-FI". If cannot slide on, then :
2) You need to press the "wifi" switch button on keyboard,...
How to change theme design template for existing php website?
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Steps :
1) Upload new design template folder and file to hosting/server.
- Do NOT overwrite existing folder, just upload the new file to existing folder.
- If same name file, then rename old file by adding -old behind.
2) Test upload and open a html front page see if all image, design no missing and right click...
Bhojon Modification Documentation
Thursday, September 09, 2021
1) Add new line codes in .htaccess file :
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} test.hyperspace\.today [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/$
Rewriterule ^(.*)$ [L,R=301]
Redirect /home /menu
2) Edit the link url on .htaccess file.
Home page keep...
Laravel Tutorial
Sunday, September 05, 2021
If have problem, besides google search, u may search in laravel documentation :
Bhojon CodeIgniter Tutorial
Friday, August 27, 2021
If logs folder don't show error file :
Go to config.php edit :
$config['log_threshold'] = 1;
To modify url login to admin-login :
1) Edit application/config/routes.php:
$route['login'] = "dashboard/auth/index";
TO :
$route['admin-login'] = "dashboard/auth/index";
Tonsil / Tonsilla swell and pain home remedies
Sunday, August 22, 2021

Steps to cure tonsil pain at home :
1) Keep drinking water so that tonsil is not dry. Tonsil will recovery fast if it is always mois by water.
2) Brush when wake up and before sleep.
3) When...
php array tutorial
Monday, July 26, 2021
php for loop add value into multidimensional array
$cto1_users_array = array();
foreach($lucky_winners As $lucky_user)
$cto1_users_array[$i]['userid'] = $lucky_user['user_id'];
$cto1_users_array[$i]['amount'] = $each_person_get;
Web App PWA for Codeigniter
Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Step 1 : Your website must be running on a secure domain (https).
Step 2 : Use to generate all the necessary icons that will be used on different mobile devices, this...
Creating Track page for WL and ZC
Tuesday, May 04, 2021
Controller folder has 2 pages :
1) Track_wl.php
2) Trac_wl_hist.php
View folder has 2 pages :
1) track_wl.php
2) trac_wl_hist.php
2) trac_wl_add.php
asset/js folder has bootstrap-fullscreen-select.min.js
secure/inc_footer.php has :
<script src="<?php echo $this->common->auto_version(base_url('assets/admin/js/bootstrap-fullscreen-select.js'));...
Generate QR code with Codeigniter
Sunday, April 04, 2021
Database add a new field "qr_exist" tynyint(1) in tbl_user_master. (1 mean already got QR code).
Then upload "phpqrcode" zip file to Controller folder and extract the zip file.
Note : this "phpqrcode" folder must saved in the same directory as your...
jquery check input empty before submit
Sunday, February 07, 2021
use .each instead of foreach loop.
var allhasvalue = false;
var namehasvalue = false;
var pricehasvalue = false;
if ($.trim($(this).val()).length > 0){
namehasvalue = true;
body, html { overflow-x:hidden; } break smooth scrolling
Wednesday, February 03, 2021
simple solution :
Put overflow-x:hidden; on DIV instead of body and html.
First copy paste the following code to your css file to find out which DIV causing the problem :
* { outline: 1px red solid !important; visibility: visible !important }
Then put overflow-x:hidden; on the DIV class, example :
CodeIgniter Multi Vendor Ecommerce
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Edit Home page products lists :
language translate :
Change currency :
To edit Steps / stages / helps / info :
purchase_steps_helper.php in Helpers fold...
The best Forex EA Robot in year 2021
Thursday, December 24, 2020

This is the most safer Forex EA Robot.
I have backtest this EA for 16 years from 2004 to 2020. Never burn account.
It is fully automatic trading by EA robot, you don't have to manually monitor....
How to make passive income in year 2021
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
How to make passive income within 10 minutes? Install robot working 24 hours for you.
This video explain the following topics :
How to earn passive income from home?
How to install Forex MT4 and EA to computer and mobile phone?
How to withdraw profit from MT4 account to your bank account?
How to fixed Miliris Action Lag / slow / frame drop?
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Miliris Action Lag / slow / frame drop?
Solution : Go to Miliris Video Setting > Video Framerate > Select VFR.
But VFR makes Adobe After Effect cannot sync video with audio, mean audio is slower than video, so you need to download handbrake to convert video from VFR to Fixed 60 FPS.
Music Player With Local Editable Lyric
Friday, July 10, 2020
Steps :
1) Download and install Winamp Music Player.
2) Download and install MiniLyrics.
3) Open MiniLyrics to install it onto Winamp.
4) Add a song into Winamp and play it.
5) On MiniLyrics, click View > Lyric Editor. Type in the following sentence :
[00:00.01]Did you try any Expert Advisor and it burn your...
Friday, July 03, 2020
壬日主生 寅月 庚子 时 壬为阳水,生于寅提,木旺火相,时逢庚子,庚为生身之印,子为帮身之刃,此犹春冰解冻,化作巨流,虽有寅木泄水,力尚不够,必也,寅中戊土当头,始成贵格,倘再见丙,旣贵且富矣。
壬日主生 寅月 辛丑 时 壬水生临寅月,寅为壬之病地,得时干辛金生之,气势转强,时临丑土,在此际不关痛痒,因丑位北方,性为湿土,初春寒气未除,难起化学作用,最好寅中丙戊并透,不失为优越之造。
壬日主生 寅月 壬寅 时 壬水遇寅月寅时,食神盗气甚深,喜有时上比肩助之,但壬水既病于寅,则两壬不及两寅之强,还须比劫帮扶,庶可均衡局势,惟若以寅为用,则阳金忌见,阴金无妨。
壬日主生 寅月 癸卯 时 壬生寅月,木旺司权,又遇卯时,泄而又泄,所以时干癸火,喜得帮身也,但因衰病之壬癸,虽胜当旺之寅卯,犹病母之临盆,非大补不为功,所以阳水生扶,诚必要耳。