A cute poodle dog was being bullied by a boy, you can watch the video at below :
How I get this video? Actually a girl from Kuala Lumpur found a pendrive on KLCC shopping complex, then she opened the pendrive and saw this video file. There is only 1 file in the pendrive. Then she uploaded the video to facebook and you-tube. I just downloaded and re-uploaded the video to you-tube and facebook. From the video, you can see he keep beating the dogs for around 15 minutes!!! We did print screen some of the image frames :
His gf named as Doreen Loo was holding the video camera to capture the video. We still don't know who is the man in the video, some people said Allan Tan is the guy, but some other said Champ Alan is the guy.
1 - Allan Tan's profile : http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001032147596 . Allan Tan stays at Kepong, OUG green park. His car is Proton Wira NBC 8313.
2 - Champ Alan's profile : http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001696937792 . Champ Alan is working at yong peng fishball coffee shop Melaka Raya. His hp 0102683001.
For me, I guess both are the wrong guy, Allan Tan tattoo is short, the guy in the video tattoo is very long. Allan Tan is fat, the guy in the video is thin and their face are not the same look. Perhaps he did change his pictures yesterday to hide himself? Perhaps somebody saw his real pictures last few days ago? That's why they said Allan Tan is the guy? Champ Alan's profile don't have any pictures, and he said he is ex husband of Doreen Loo (the girl in the video). He said he is the not guy in the video, see the picture below for reference :
More info at : http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=178322195537323&id=100000786306757. From the picture below, we know that he is still very active on facebook currently (26 January 2011), sure he know many people are hunting him right now :
Her Facebook profile : http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000786306757
Below are some pictures from her album at : her Facebook picture album :
As we can see from the pictures in her picture album, she has another dog too. She owned two different dogs. She post her dogs pictures to show off her dogs can stand, look at the comment she post on her dog picture :
I heard that the dog was death for over 3 years already, more info at : http://www.facebook.com/notes/mrfoo-tofu/gui-bin-gou-bei-nue-zui-xin-jin-zhanthe-most-news-about-the-poodle-been-abuse-/487149888314?notif_t=note_reply but I guess it is a fake news, see the picture below for reference :

From his gf comment on facebook, we know that he did bully the dog since July 2010, perhaps the video is captured on July 2010?

Anyway it tells us that the news about the dog was dead over 3 years already is just a fake new. Maybe it is a true news because she has 2 dogs, perhaps another dog is dead for over 3 years already.
Why we are so sure the two persons on the video are them? It is because of the ring on his finger and the shirt that she has, see the picture below for reference :

Media :
1 - 救救可憐的小POODLE (變態虐待狂痛扁紅貴賓)
2 - SPCA Singapore
3 - The hunt for the dragon tatto animal abuser from that video
4 - 更新Updates ~贵宾狗被虐最新进展...The Most news about the POODLE been abuse!!!
5 - Petition Against Infamous FB Dog Abuser
6 - SPCA Selangor, Malaysia
7 - Andrew & Michelle's "Save the Poodle" Mission
Video below show a guy who always bully dogs was scolded by public :
Seriously we need to punish those animal abusers, teach them a lesson, so that they won't dare to bully animals again. I wish government add a new law to punish those animal abusers, for example whip their ass for 10 times like the video below :
Too bad Malaysia law don't have any punishment for dog abusers, that's why we need some underground gangsters to help us punish those animal abusers. Some people is actually starting take action on it, they hire lawyer to sue him and they print out dog abuser's face poster to paste everywhere on the street, you can watch the video for reference : http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=500095879626.
We are hunting this two dog abusers that show on the following picture:

Video below is Taiwan TV news with subtitle in case you can't hear what he said in the video :
English News at the video below :
Chinese News at the video below :
Dog is actually understand human language. Please watch the video to demonstrate how to train a dog with proper way :

Please write a comment at below to tell me if you have any updated news. Thank you. Hello, did u guy find out who is the guy already? How is him now? Update me please.
wish you find him and her sooner.I will be great,
please help poor dogs.
Posted on 5:23 AM, January 26, 2011
Posted on 10:57 AM, January 26, 2011
Hi there, I don't think it's this Alan Tan that you're looking for, as the tattoo on the shoulder doesn't match ... whereas the girl, it's a perfect profile .... so is the guy .... but it's just not that Alan you're looking for
Btw, wrong profiling could lead to a lot of wrong mistakes....
Posted on 1:41 PM, January 26, 2011
Hi, yeah, I don't know why they said Alan Tan and Champ Alan are the guy in the video, perhaps he did change his picture yesterday? That's why you see different tattoo and different body size and different face? Perhaps someone see his real picture on last few days ago? That's why they said Alan Tan is the guy in the video?
Posted on 2:45 PM, January 26, 2011
Probably we should offer a reward to the person who finds the correct person.
Posted on 8:42 PM, January 26, 2011
What a fucking cunt. I hope somebody finds this guy and rips his face off with a rusty hack-saw.
Posted on 10:04 PM, January 26, 2011
maybe there are more things in the pen drive that can lead us to the abuser.
Posted on 12:51 AM, January 27, 2011
No, she said there was a file inside the pendrive only, just a file, no other file.
Posted on 1:40 AM, January 27, 2011
You can actually recover deleted files in a flash drive using certain tools in the internet. Maybe theres something more inside.
Posted on 5:05 AM, January 27, 2011
Good idea, perhaps she should pass the pendrive to some computer professor to do it.
Posted on 5:20 AM, January 27, 2011
haiyaa,, at the moment we agree on one common thing. That cameraman is that lady named Doreen Loo. Is it so difficult for the police to get her and interrogate her about the abuser. If we are to invesitgate, that tatoo, that ring, the room etc etc are all evidences. And someone may still remember the show (or news) in the TV at the background. When was it aired? That Doreen fellow is cunning also. Why not come forward and tell the truth.
Posted on 4:07 PM, January 27, 2011
has anyone thought if the lady is being threatened to film all these or she might get beaten up like the dog?
Posted on 4:35 PM, January 27, 2011
No way that the idiot lady is being threatened.. heard her voice in the video sounds like she enjoyed the idot man beat poor sushi.
Posted on 1:16 PM, January 28, 2011
I dont understand why people dont try to get dogs away from this sick couple. Someone know them, for sure. Why those bastards friends dont save the dogs.. If most people in malaysia so sick?
Posted on 5:45 AM, April 01, 2011
Hello from Canada! Has there been any news on these 2? I am still torn about Allan being the guy in the video - the man in the video seemed to have bigger eyes and thinner!BUT as far as Dorreen goes there is NO doubt! With ALL the attention on FB there has to be some sort of information on her! Thankyou
Posted on 11:02 AM, April 08, 2011
I want to kill him and his gf with 2 the desert eagle 50 hanggun, motherfucker!!
Posted on 12:58 AM, April 15, 2011
These two fucking dog abuser...., may theysoul burn in hell..... Want to kill those two, idiot girl n the fucking thin guy...
Posted on 8:01 PM, April 15, 2011
Parent's fault, never educate their children preperly!
Posted on 11:50 PM, April 15, 2011
Is it that hard to catch this bastards? If only I can do something to catch this demons. Poor pup. So cute and innocent. Allan and Doreen should be sentenced to life imprisonment. Sushi is in heaven now. :(
Posted on 3:01 PM, June 07, 2011
I think the fucking thin cunt has gone into hiding.. maybe in a cave?
Posted on 4:13 PM, February 06, 2012
Taking justice on your own hand? pathethic.... seriously... I wish they kill the dog only to show you people who pathethic you are.. You make a big deal about this shit but don't give a fuck about rape and murder? WTF??? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MANY DOGS DIE PEER DAY?
Posted on 12:26 PM, April 06, 2012