Here are the collections of top views facebook and you-tube video that I watched before. If you have any nice / interesting / funny / meaningful video to share with me, please send the video link to me by using the comment box below. I will add your video to this page. Thank you.

The bank robbery is very funny :

I will sing this song when I am standing with her in the lift to hint her that I want to whole her hand :

A lot of fish jump to attack humans :

Her chest is getting bigger and bigger until explode :

He was parking his car like crazy :

Do not sleep when you are cutting hair. 剪头发不要睡觉 :

Kill chickens, cows, pigs and fishes :

Professional pencil spinning :

She tortured and killed rabbit just for fun :

The zip of a jacket is stuck on the girl's eyes skin :

A robbery was stopped by the boss of mini market :

They are powerful labors :

Be a kind person, help people :

Train A Poodle Dog :

A love song - 我的赖皮女友 (Chinese) :

He poo at public place :

A very good male singer from Korea 李昌宇 sing high pitch song :

Grow more hair in 5 seconds by using "妙髮寶" (A products made in Japan) :

Dog asked help from neighbor to save its master and keep waiting its master come back. 主人吐血不治,忠犬死守家門 (Chinese) :

The longest You-tube video - 478:48:05 hours which is 20 days :

A dog play skateboard :

He act the expression for the song "忐忑" / 表情帝杨迪表演神曲《忐忑》,超丰富表情 :

She sing "忐忑" with those kitchen stuffs :

A fat kid play cheat on basketball shooting machine :

His body is very flexible :

chinchilla love fingers massage, it is very cute :

Extreamly Skiny Girls :

A dog run to bang the wall when he is dreaming in sleeping, very funny :

Mixed Car crashes, accidents and sport accidents - funny :

Car and bicycle accidents, guess the man was death or not?

paul dateh: top 40 violin mashup :

Posted by Zac1987 on 18 February, 2011


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