2 years-old kid knock and run over by van and lorry, 18 walked by people saw the kid but none of them help the kid.

A 2 years-old kid was knock by a van, and run over by the van too. There are many people walk by the kid, they saw the kid and they heard the kid cried but they didn't rescue the kid. They just ignore the kid. After awhile, a lorry didn't see the kid and run over the kid!!! So the kid was run over by two heavy vehicles totally!!! There are 18 people who walked by saw the kid but none of them help the kid. Until 19th people (a garbage collector) walked by saw the kid and she helped the kid. She tried to carry up the kid but she is weak, she can't afford to carry the kid, so she drag the kid to aside and shout people come to help, but none of people willing to help. So she shout the parents, asking around who is the parents of the kid. Finally the parents appear, the mother carry up her kid and cried and send her kid to hospital. The kid was knock by the van at 5:25p.m, and the 19th people appear at 5:31p.m. So the kid lying on the road for 6 minutes in total. If any first 3 passed by people rescue the kid, the kid won't be run over by 2nd vehicle anymore. You can watch the video below :

13日下午5时30分,佛山南海黄岐的广佛五金城里,两岁小女孩悦悦(化名),在路上被一辆面包车撞倒和碾轧。而之后将近7分钟时间,还有呼吸的悦悦一直孤零零地躺在路边,18个路人先后经过,但都当没看见,而其间悦悦又被一辆货车碾轧过去。最终悦悦被第19名路人抱到路边,随后被送往医院急救。这名路人是一名捡破烂的阿姨。撞她的面包车跑了。事后南方电视台《今日一线》拍摄了当时的监控录像,录像显示,当天下午5时25分许,悦悦在路边走路,一辆白色面包车行驶过程中突然加速前进,车身撞倒悦悦,把她卷入车底。司机并没有下车,而是开车跑了,车后轮从悦悦身上碾过。悦悦并没有死亡,画面显示她还在痛苦挣扎,但悲剧还未结束。一位目击整个事件的路人出现在监控视频中,由于道路狭窄,他从悦悦身边绕过,并未停留。紧接着,又有两名路人经过看到了在地上挣扎的悦悦,但都视而不见,也未采取任何措施。这时,又有一辆小货车出现,司机没有发现倒在地上的悦悦,再次从她身上碾过,此后悦悦没有了动静。捡垃圾的阿姨来了。顽强的悦悦并未死亡。而在之后的5分钟里,又先后有十多位路人从她身边走过,但每个人竟然都只是看了看,没有一个人伸出援手哪怕只是拨打报警电话。监控录像显示,下午5时31分31秒,一位捡垃圾的阿姨拖着编织袋经过,她发现了悦悦,立刻走过去试图扶起悦悦,但悦悦上半身瘫软。阿姨只好把悦悦从路中间挪到了安全点的路边上,然后向四周呼救。很快悦悦的妈妈听到呼喊后来到现场,抱起了血泊中的悦悦。从悦悦被撞,到妈妈把她救起,途经共19名路人。如果悦悦被第一辆车撞倒后,经过的前三个人能把悦悦救起,她完全可以避免被第二辆车碾轧。详情请看以下的影片 :

The kid was being rescued in a hospital, surgery was taken to remove the bone of head cover, she will be death anytime. Doctor said that her condition is very bad, now she can't breath by herself, she is still in danger condition. The driver of 2nd vehicle (lorry) which run over the kid was found and caught by police already, but the driver of 1st vehicle still can't be found.

据了解,目前两岁的悦悦正在广州军区总医院急救,悦悦在手术中切除了后脑盖骨,随时都有生命危险。该院IC U副主任文强介绍,悦悦伤情很严重,目前没有自主呼吸,没有度过危险期。记者获悉,经过警方调查,碾轧悦悦的第二个肇事逃逸司机已被警方抓获,但第一个肇事司机仍然在逃。

Video below show that the kid was still being rescued in a hospital :

Video below shows the garbage collector went to visit the kid in hospital :

Video below show the kid was seem death already but seem still alive too :

Video below shows the interview of the parents and garbage collector :

Video below shows the super stars' comment about this incident :

小悦悦仍未脱离危险期。现在小悦悦在当地医院重症监护室,脑干反射消失,已被宣布脑死亡。 伤情:膜外血肿脑死无救 据悦悦的主治医生称,汽车碾轧造成了小悦悦右腿股骨中段粉碎性骨折,已经在当地医院打了石膏;而最致命的是被撞倒后头部摔倒地面造成的减速伤,导致了双侧枕部硬膜外血肿、后脑血肿以及脑水肿,令颅内压升高形成了脑疝,轧坏了脑干。脑干是呼吸和血液循环功能的“司令部”,因此小悦悦发生了呼吸和循环衰竭——医生赶到现场时,她的呼吸已经很微弱,后来一直没有恢复呼吸功能。

10月18日下午七时,小悦悦静静躺在广州军区广州总医院ICU(重症监护室)病房内,尚无知觉。病房外,十几位从各处赶来的市民正试图安慰小悦悦的父母王持昌夫妇。 王持昌从市民手里接过捐款捐物,每回都深深鞠躬。截止到18日下午五时,他们已经收到各界好心人捐款共计270100.45元。 为免别人非议捐款,他个人已在律师监督下在银行开立专门户头,专款专用,并每日更新金额,供社会监督。 当日广州军区广州总医院ICU主任苏磊、副主任文强及神经外科主任王伟民向媒体介绍了小悦悦的最新病情。 文强介绍说,小悦悦自14日下午转至该院后,经过2天半的救治,目前病情有稳定的倾向。他同时表示,小悦悦“病情仍十分危重,随时有生命危险”。 而对于小悦悦重新恢复知觉、睁开眼睛,王持昌是很乐观的,“我孩子从出世到现在身体都很棒,感冒都很少得,意志也很顽强,2岁之前给她打针都不哭,拔了针头后自己还用手抹抹伤口”。 他和大家的心愿都一样,相信孩子会挺过这一劫。 “我相信医生医术,相信奇迹,医生说没有‘完全死亡’,我女儿还是很有希望醒过来的。”面对络绎不绝的热心人士,悦悦父亲王持昌接受采访时依然相信悦悦会坚持住。 在“小悦悦妈妈”微博上,有关悦悦近况的帖子被转发上万次,网友纷纷接力祝福,呼唤“悦悦加油,快点醒过来”。

自首司機:愧疚願負責 你们原谅他吗 ? 第一個撞到悅悅的胡姓司機現年24歲,是山東泰安人,當時為追討欠款而到廣佛五金城,只顧尋找目的地而沒有看到悅悅,撞人後以為是撞到物件,就繼續向前開。他現時覺得非常愧疚,願意承擔責任。 胡去年起在佛山和妻子開店做生意。他面對警方詢問時始終低著頭,表情凝重眼泛淚光,一再說不知道壓到人。他看到新聞才知道事件,決定自首。 他說:“我心裡很難過,我也有9個月大的女兒,知道帶小孩不容易。我想能賠償就盡力賠償,儘量醫治好小孩。我向小女孩和她父母說聲對不起!”

Please post comment by the box at below to tell me if you have any updated new about the kid. Thank you.

Posted by Zac1987 on 19 October, 2011
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