After finish installing WAMP server, make sure the its taskbar icon is green color, if it is orange color, then do following steps :
1) u can to turn off or uninstall your antivirus.
2) click wamp orange logo > Apache > Service > Install Service
3) click wamp orange logo > mysql > Service > Install Service
4) restart all services.

open localhost/phpmyadmin on browser, login username is root and password is empty or "password". If u cannot login, maybe because during installation got bug due to didn't install vc.dll or other file. So u need uninstall wamp completely then reinstall it.

When its taskbar is green color. You need to set 3 things :
1) Change password of PHPMYADMIN mysql by console.
2) Change password in PHPMYADMIN file.
3) Change limit in php.ini file.

Change password of PHPMYADMIN mysql by console.

Step 1 : Click wamp icon on taskbar near clock time bottom right corner. Then choose mysql console
Step 2 : When it ask for password, u just hit enter because no password.
Step 3 : Type in : use mysql;
Step 4 : Press Enter.
Step 5 : Type in : UPDATE myslq.user SET Password="PASSWORD("AnyPasswordYoulike") WHERE User="root";
Step 6 : Press Enter.
Step 8 : Type in : Exit
Step 9 : Press Enter.

Step 10: It will show "effacted 1 row in db" if success update database table, if no show that sentence mean it is fail, so check table is it has field password? if no, then replace password file to "authentication string" field in query (new wamp database table dont have password field, only have authentication string field.

Change password in PHPMYADMIN file.

Step 1 : Go to My Computer > C Drive > (Your Local Server Folder, WAMP/MAMP/XAMPP) > APPS > PHPMYADMIN >

Step 2 : Using a text editor, such as Notepad++, open the file.

Step 3 : Find this line of code: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = ''; // MySQL password

Step 4 : Change 'password' to the new chosen password you created just now.

Step 5 : Click Save.

Change limit in php.ini file.

Step 1 : Click green color wamp icon on taskbar > php > php.ini

Step 2 :
post_max_size = 8M
upload_max_filesize = 2M
max_execution_time = 30
max_input_time = 60
memory_limit = 8M

Step 3 :
Change to:
post_max_size = 750M
upload_max_filesize = 750M
max_execution_time = 5000
max_input_time = 5000
memory_limit = 1000M

Step 4 : Then restart wamp for the changes to effect.

Posted by Zac1987 on 26 October, 2015


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