Step 1 : Your website must be running on a secure domain (https).

Step 2 : Use to generate all the necessary icons that will be used on different mobile devices, this platform will also generate the manifest.json file that you will need later.

Step 3 : Upload all icons and manifest.json from Step 2 above to file path assets/admin/images

Step 4 : Edit manifest.json file become look like :

Step 5 : Application/Views/secure/inc_header.php file add the following code that generated from Step 2 just now :

Step 6 : Download upup.min.js file from

Step 7 : Upload upup.min.js and upup.sw.min.js files to folder directory assets/admin/js.

Step 8 : Edit upup.sw.min.js file, press control + F find keyword "sourceMappingURL". Edit it become //# sourceMappingURL=/assets/admin/js/

Step 9 : Edit upup.min.js file, press control + F find keyword "sourceMappingURL". Edit it become //# sourceMappingURL=/assets/admin/js/

Step 10 : Edit upup.min.js file, press control + F find keyword "service-worker-url". Edit it become service-worker-url":"/assets/admin/js/upup.sw.min.js

Step 10 : Application/Views/secure/inc_footer.php add the following code :

Step 11 : Edit the php page that you want PWA open at first page. (For example, My case Application/Views/Secure/track_wk.php) add the following code

Step 12 : Check if any bug by using the following 2 difference methods :
a) google chrome browser open your website and right click on page and select "Inspect". Then follow instruction on the screenshot below :

b) Using google chrome browser plugin "Lighthouse" or 3rd party website "WebPagetest Lighthouse Test" to check if any bug or error :

Posted by Zac1987 on 05 May, 2021
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