1) Add new line codes in .htaccess file :
2) Edit the link url on .htaccess file.
Home page keep jump to admin login page problem :
3) Login to Admin panel > Web Setting > Common Setting > Website On > Save.
4) Add Food Category with picture from Admin panel.
5) Add Food with picture from Admin panel.
6) Add Food Variant from Admin panel.
7) Add /** Zac Edit Start Here **/ CSS code to
8) Copy paste all code in app.hyperspace.today/application/views/themes/defaults/menu.php
9) Copy paste all code in app.hyperspace.today/application/views/themes/defaults/reservation.php
10) Copy paste all code in app.hyperspace.today/application/views/themes/defaults/index.php
11) Add banner from Admin panel.
12) Upload Footer Menu image at app.hyperspace.today/assets/img/icons.
13) To modify url login to admin-login :
14) Import database tbl language from id 1805 (restaurant). Steps :
select records from id 1805 onward > Export > Custom > Only Data (No need change Rows numbers field)
15) Add Cash Wallet and Point Wallet into Table Payment_Method.
16) import tbl_ewallet from previous project.
17) Move php function from old project library/common.php to new project library/common.php
Previous project code : $query=$this->CI->db->query($q);
Solution : Remove "CI"
on Controller/Xxxx.php add $this->load->library('Common');
18) Add Wallet to Admin manage_member page :
19) Copy paste constant.php from old to new project.
20) fix admin sidebar is not active on admin manual credit member wallet page by javascript:
21) If 403 error or ajax error, then go to config.php turn false ALL $config['csrf_protection'] = FALSE;
22) agent1 stuck at login page, so go to application/modules/setting/controllers/Language.php
23)Add this sql to database :
24) Create sidebar menu : cash_wallet_report and point_wallet_report at : application/modules/template/views/includes/sidebar.php
if not show label of the sidebar menu, then add in tbl_language as point (23)
25) replace login.php to admin-login.php at : application/modules/setting/controllers/Setting.php
26) add the following code to : application/modules/report/controllers/Reports.php
27) Copy 2 functions report_wallets() and report_wallets_ajax from old project application/controllers/secure/Transaction_report.php to new project application/modules/report/controllers/Reports.php
28) Copy paste php file from old project shop.aegis2u.com/application/views/secure/report_wallets.php to new project application/modules/report/views/report_wallets.php
29) Add point to food variant table by sql :
30) Add point label to Language table by sql :
31) search keyword "price" and add "point" below it for 3 pages :
a) application/modules/itemmanage/controllers/Item_food.php
b) application/modules/itemmanage/views/varientlist.php
c) application/modules/itemmanage/views/varientedit.php
32) add lable cash wallet and point wallet to table Language by sql :
33) Copy paste the following code from old project controller/Dashboard.php to new project controller/Hungry.php
34) Copy paste the following 4 functions from old projects Controller/Wallets.php to new project controller/Hungry.php :
a) function cash_wallet()
b) function cash_wallet_ajax()
c) function coin_wallet()
d) function coin_wallet_ajax()
35) add "public" before "function" at point (34) a,b,c,d.
36) find keyword "$this->session->userdata('WDW_MEMBER_LOGIN_ID')" and replace it with $islogin and add declaration : $islogin = $this->session->userdata('CusUserID');
38) find keyword "coin" replace it to "Point".
39) upload Datapicker folder from old project assets/admin/js/plugins/datapicker
40) I have delete 90% codes at application/views/themes/defaults/cartitem.php
So if found any bug on shopping cart, then have to copy paste the code back from org.hyperspace.com AND
function addtocartitem(pid, id, type) at application/views/themes/defaults/assets_web/js/default_theme.js
Posted by Zac1987 on
09 September, 2021