23-sep die
24-sep die
1-oct die
2-oct die
25-sept born
26-sept born


How to disable autorun?
When your pendrive has virus, you plug in your pendrive onto your computer and want to format it, but your computer auto-run / auto-read the pendrive when you plug it onto your computer and causing virus goes into your computer, so you must disable the autorun feature on your computer :
* Click Start
* Click Run
* Enter GPEDIT.MSC Group Policy mmc will popup. On left panel:
* Double-click Computer Configuration to open submenu
* Double-click Administrative Templates to open submenu
* Double-click System to open submenu
* Double-click Turn off autoplay option which will be near the bottom of the list in the right panel
* Tick Apply to all drivers

How to end the process of "Internet Explorer"
People fail to install Photoshop Cs3 and the error message shows "You need to close Internet Explorer to continue the installation". We can't End task of "Internet Explorer" from the task manager. So, here is the solution :
Click Start > Run > Cmd > taskkill /F /IM iexplore.exe

**note that there is spacing on the left of / symbol.

Fix the different view of website layout on Mozilla Firefox and IE
Wondering why your website is displayed wrongly on Internet Explorer and display correctly on Mozilla? You can make your website displayed correctly on both browsers by using the css code below :
* { margin: 0; padding: 0;}
p { word-wrap: break-word; }
.clear { clear: both; }
.clear:after { content: ""; display: block; height: 0; width: 100%; }
a:active { -moz-outline-style: none; outline: none; }
:focus { -moz-outline-style: none; }

<li>, please use the css code below :
vertical-align: bottom;
display: inline;

Show the symbol of < and > on webpage.
When you edit html code in blogspot, you cannot save it because of the error message "Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly. XML error message: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.".
1) Change & into &amp;
2) Change < into &lt;
3) Change > into &gt;
4) Change " into &quot;
5) Change ' into &apos;

Open animated gif file to photoshop.
Click import > video frames to layers > type *.* as file name > load > select animated gif file.

Add php file on blogspot / blogger.
<object width="430" height="550" type="text/html" data="http://phpfile.php"></object>

To get string before a specific character by javascript

1 - drag n drop all 5 pictures to flash.
2 - create new 5 layers, put each picture into each layer.
3 - right click 1st frame, choose create Motion Tween.
4 - left click 26th frame, press f6.
5 - on 26th frame, move the picture to next ending place.






因为我们久久才做一次善事,但我们每天都做很多坏事,所以善事根本来不及cover那么多的坏事。。。如,她死蚂蚁,吃肉,驾车时突然看见小孩冲过马路差点被你撞到,你就骂“妈的!死小孩!"生气,妒忌,好色,贪心,这些都是我们天天做的坏事,你久久做一次的善事根本来不及cover. 所以就好像你钱credit card的帐越堆越多,结果你得下地狱还清你的债。


有人说如果我太相信星座,生肖,五行,八字,我就会变成像星座,生肖,五行,八字里说的一样人。我觉得他说错了。拿我来做例子吧。星座说我的缺点就是爱多管闲事,把所有的责任都往自己身上扛,太好心,所以经常花时间和金钱帮助朋友,导致我自己没有时间和金钱去做自己的东西。以前我的确如此。但自从我看见星座提到了我这缺点之后,我就立刻改掉它,我不再多管闲事,不再好心帮人,不再把责任都往自己身上扛。我变得很自私,才有今天的成就。如果我不信星座,我今天根本不可能有audi tt 驾。你可以看见现在我和星座说的完全相反。所以相信星座不可能能把我变成它说的一样。

星座,生肖,五行,八字只是让我们更了解自己,发现我们没发现的潜力。就像八字说我天生就有做一个很出色的 robot engineer的能力,可惜我当初我还没信八字,所以我不知道这潜力,所以我去读错科系,我读了 computer science. 这就是不相信八字的后果。。。我现在需要浪费多五年的时间重新读diploma + degree.

我做研究的时候,interview 了30对的60岁老夫妻,问他们过去二十年婚姻过得怎样?结果全都被五行说中了,五行说他们没孩子就是没孩子,五行说妻子和儿子会不忠不孝离开他,让他孤独终老,这也被说中了。五行说他们会变得很有钱,而其子女都很聪明,这也被说中了。。。那30对的老夫妻证明了五行是百分百准确的。30对夫妻里,27对老夫妻的婚姻很糟糕,钱的问题,健康问题,孩子坏不孝顺等等。只有3对老夫妻是从来没吵架,而且孩子们都很健康聪明,而且很有钱。那是因为他们的五行,星座,八字,生肖全都是完美配合和相旺。

别用人类的判断力去做决定,因为人类的能力有限,人类太无知,人类不能预知未来。佛和神能预知未来,所以我们必须利用神和佛的判断力去做决定。例如,当你看见美女,你就要去和她做朋友。当看见很丑又肥又很残忍用脚踏死小狗的女生,你要远离她,你不想和她交朋友。这就是用人类的眼光,用自己的判断力去做决定交新朋友。对,你眼睛是享受了,但是你的生活会越来越辛苦。为什么?因为你笨,你无知,你没有佛和神的智慧。你没发觉那女生的生肖和五行克你。例如,如果你是属火,而她是属水,水可以灭火,所以如果你经常和她在一起,她会让你的能力变差,让你的运气便坏,很多倒霉的事情都会找上你,例如被打劫,中cancer, 车祸等等。相反的如果那个丑又肥又残忍的女生是属木,大家都知道要起火之前要先放一堆木材,木材能让火燃烧得更大更长久。所以就算她再丑再肥再残忍,我都很想和她做朋友。有越多属木的朋友在我身边,我这把火就能燃烧得更旺,这表示我能变得更聪明,更强大,运气更好,更有能力。你可以看见连生活中交朋友那么小件事情都需要先执佛法,后执世法。生活中有很多决定都必须先用佛法做选择,只是你们还没发现而已。

if ur 八字 says ur perfect job is engineer, but u go work for lawyer or doctor, then u can only fail or middle-success ur carrier only, u cannot be very very successful. Ur talent and destiny is to be a very successful enginer, but not lawyer or doctor. That's why. I didn't regret that i choose wrong course to study because Engineer need some Computer Science knowledge.

I don't want spend my whole life to be a loser in my carrier. The only way to fully utilize my talent, the only way to fully execute the destiny of why i born here is to further my study to Robotic Engineering course.

want to check what is ur perfect job from ur 八字? Follow the steps :
1) key in ur info at http://www.chaosuan.com/ then click 开始测算 button.
2) click 命理分析 from top menu.
3) press ctrl + f to find the word "适业:".
4) The 1st carrier show on "适业:" is ur perfect job, so don't need to read the 2nd and 3rd and 4th and so on. Just read the 1st carrier and ignore all the rest.


改办命运的方法 :




i am abnormal but it doesn't mean i am wrong. U are normal like all other people do but it doesn't mean u all are right.

i saw many normal people made the wrong decision ruin their life before, so I know it is wrong if being a normal people like them.

U never seen abnormal people like me make any wrong decision before, so why u judge I am wrong?

----------------------- normal people think "i made wrong decision is ok, because i am human, i born here is for the test". They push away the responsibility to the fate. They never admit they did the wrong decision.

abnormal people like me think "human mean to have good perfect life. No one can get bad poor life if all make the right decision".

Tell u my story ba. I studied diploma of computer science then i didn't study degree because i found that all the textbooks that lecturers gave during diploma is able to download from internet for Free of Charge, so I regret paid rm30k on diploma. So for degree, i never go college / university anymore, i downloaded all degree level of computer science teaching material from google search and study myself at home. U can say u want the cert for applying job, but I don't work for people, i work for myself only, so I don't need cert. Work for people help people earn money for what? better work and earn ourselves la.

Then after graduated and working for 5 years, there are many things inspired me to come up many ideas of inventing engineering projects, so far I have more than 30 of engineering projects to do, but too bad I don't have knowledge of engineering, I regret I study computer instead of engineering. Then I go for 八字算命 and it says engineering is the most perfect job for me. End up now I have to waste another 5 years to study engineering. What I want to tell u is just go for 八字算命 to decide what to study, don't end up like me wasted 10 years study and work for computer science for nothing.

------------------------------ 当我发现我无法解决一些困难时,我才知道人类的能力原来很弱,所以我不再相信人类的能力了,我就开始相信上天的能力,自然而然变得迷信了,但我不是盲目的迷信,我有做研究试验确认百分百准确了才去相信的。 1) 你的完美对象是在这里: http://2aek.com/inventory/horoscope-match.php 2) This horoscope matching page tells what will happen if you and him stay together : http://dailyhoroscopes.com/comp.../compatibility-horoscopes/ 3) This is zodiac matching page : http://www.shengxiao5.cn/she.../17/shengxiaopeidui_1034.html 4) This is elements matching page : http://ye5.blogspot.com/2010/03/blog-post.html 5) This is life number matching page : http://www.numerology.com/numerology-news/numerology-compatibility-life-path-number 6) This page tells what is ur goodness and weakness and ur personality : http://www.coolboo.com/love/index.htm

知道这样做是错的话,就别去做。为了一时的享受,而去做那些明知道错的东西,结果毁了自己的未来,毁了自己的终生幸福,根本就不值得。别以为做了那件错的事,可能不会影响到未来和幸福,要知道这个 “可能” 已经害死了很多人,你想成为下一个受害者的话,那就去做吧。我要的是光明健康幸福的未来,而不是现在短暂的享受,我不允许我自己做那些我明知道错的事。你可以说我胆小,也可以说我不懂享受。我只能说我命苦,我没有你那么好命可以不顾一切去享受。我必须顾太多东西太多人,我必须确保我健康安全的活着,直到我完成三十个发明为止。

1) 不可以是人造缘份认识彼此,
2) 不可以是人造爱情,
3) 必须真的两情相悦真的很喜欢彼此,不可以单恋,
4) 我们的八字五行星座生肖都必须是完美相配。




Write php in Javascript that in html : onclick ''
我有个很有效的方法不止能100%平抚你的情绪,也能让你变得100%理智,100%思路清晰,去掉你的100%烦恼压力伤心,让你100% 处在positive thinking。让你的聪明度提高到100%, 但药力只能维持三个小时,所以你必须在这三个小时内专心想你的全部问题,然后你的脑就会自动帮你找到解决的方法,就是“想通了” 的意思。你想通了一切之后,也有了新的几个目标之后,你就会很积极的面对你的人生了,你就会很充实你的人生了。

我们的聪明一直被生活的压力烦恼压着,运动娱乐旅行只能去掉你的30%压力与烦恼而已,不能100%去掉。只有吃摇头丸才能去掉100%的压力与烦恼,当你的聪明没被任何东西压着时,你会突然想到很多出路,很多解决方法,很多目标要去完成。而且想到的解决方法都不是正常人能想到的方法。例如,正常人不可能能想到把一张rm100切成两张,超级薄,放进去atm cash deposit machine竟然变rm200,他用这招骗了很多银行致富了。

有几次我工作遇到问题两个月都想不到办法解决, 吃了一粒下去,二十分钟要发作后,我就开始集中精神我想工作问题,不到五分钟就想到解决方法了。过几天拿去交功课给老板,老板也惊讶为何我能那么创意用这样奇怪的办法解决问题。


我google 找了很多资料关于摇头丸,才发现很多精神科医生都开这药给精神病人吃。去除他们的烦恼犹豫和全部负面的想法控制病情。


0) Introducer is Sponsor, Sponsor is Placement.
(Because I lazy change all Sponsor to Placement at generate bonus , view bonus, confirm bonus coding)
1) Chinese translation
2) ask security password when withdraw
3) binary network tree views
4) QR code on affiliate page, generate QR code during new account registeration

Yxin / ya96 :
0) Sponsor is sponsor, Placement is Placement.
1) upgrade rank base on at least 3 legs must have specific rank of downlines.
2) bonus split into 3 wallets.

1) ask security password when withdraw / p2p transfer

Posted by Zac1987 on 06 December, 2010


  1. no need for that.. use a registered NOD 32 Smart Security and get keys from www.fiaofiao.net
    plus USB Disk Security..
    and for XP users...
    this is what to need to do for a secure PC..

    and you are done...
    plus with an extra tutorial...


    Posted on 2:05 AM, December 23, 2010

  2. zac1987 Said,

    You are talking about "How to disable autorun?" topic. I didn't use any Anti-virus software for 8 years already, Anti-virus is suck, it will slow down our pc.

    Posted on 3:01 AM, December 23, 2010

  3. Quamber Said,

    Well i am playing COD 7 while My Freely registered NOD 32 is running.. Bro its the gammers choice.... give it a try...

    Posted on 1:17 AM, January 13, 2011


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