I have two external hard disks : 1tb and 80gb :
1tb hard disk keep all the files including Acronis images, installers and backup files (pictures, video, musics, text).

80gb hard disk keep Acronis images only.

Steps :
1) Before I format my computer, I plug in 80gb hard disk, copy paste all backup files (pictures, video, musics, text) from my computer to the 80gb hard disk.

2) Insert Acronis bootable cd to cd rom, plug in 80gb hard disk, restore the partition from Acronis image.

3) Goes into windows to check whether or not the 80gb hard disk has virus, if no virus, then plug in 1tb hard disk. Copy paste backup files (pictures, video, musics, text) from 80gb hard disk to 1tb hard disk.

4) Merge new backup files to old backup files inside the 1tb hard disk.

5) Copy paste the merged backup files from 1tb hard disk to my computer desktop.

6) Unplug both external hard disk, take out the acronis bootable cd from cd rom.

7) Update msn messenger, mozilla firefox and all other softwares.

Posted by Zac1987 on 23 February, 2011


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