If logs folder don't show error file :
Go to config.php edit :
To modify url login to admin-login :
Edit CSS at :
application/views/themes/defaults/assets_web/css/style.css but better edit in custom.css because when update version, style.css will be replaced by new file.
Edit languages at :
database table language
Common.php file contain all common functions is at :
Home page controller/Home.php is at :
Edit header and footer is at :
Syntac replacement :
$data['form_data']= $this->common->getAllRec("*","tbl_manage_announcement","WHERE status = 1 Order By id DESC");
$data['paymentinfo'] = $this->hungry_model->read_all('*', 'payment_method', 'payment_method_id', '', 'is_active', '1');
Exception: Call to a member function query() on null
Previous project code : $query=$this->CI->db->query($q);
Solution : Remove "CI"
How to call function from controller to view page?
Admin header, sidebar, footer is at :
1) application/modules/template/views/includes/header.php
2) application/modules/template/views/layout.php
3) At Controllers/Xxx.php file replace :
Admin sidebar is not active, go to application/modules/template/views/includes/sidebar.php :
If css disappear, then go to contoller file edit :
If admin-agent cannot login, go to admin panel > user > edit user > uncheck "Is Monitor Display".
If side bar menu is not show, then add in tbl_language.
If 500 error or Call to a member function getAllRec() on null, meaning cannot read Common.php file, so add the following code to the controller file :
How to move Controller file from old project to new project?
1) Copy paste the following 4 functions from old projects Controller/Wallets.php to new project controller/Hungry.php :
a) function cash_wallet()
b) function cash_wallet_ajax()
c) function coin_wallet()
d) function coin_wallet_ajax()
2) add "public" before "function" at point (34) a,b,c,d.
3) find keyword "$this->session->userdata('WDW_MEMBER_LOGIN_ID')" and replace it with $islogin and add declaration : $islogin = $this->session->userdata('CusUserID');
How to move View file from old project to new project? 7 steps :
1) Copy paste entire code from old project file to new project file.
2) Delete all codes above the following code line :
google adsense
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