Steps to cure tonsil pain at home :
1) Keep drinking water so that tonsil is not dry. Tonsil will recovery fast if it is always mois by water.

2) Brush when wake up and before sleep.

3) When sleeping, side sleep, let tonsil pain side at downside, so that all saliva fall to tonsil. Saliva mois the tonsil because tonsil need to be mois only will recovery faster.

4) Try to sleep before 10pm to 2am (because this 4 hours is the most healing time for body tisue).

5) use air humidifier because when u breath in the air full of mois keep tonsil mois can recovery fast.

6) If you have habit always drink protein powder or milk everyday while doing gym, stop drinking protein before yout tonsil recovery, because protein powder make it worse.

7) If 3 days still not recovery or not getting better, then try apply watermelon powder.

Posted by Zac1987 on 22 August, 2021
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